Modifying a data source

Importing your data sources is not a final action. You can modify your data sources at any time or re-import them if you have made any changes.

Editing your data source fields in the DataHub

When mapping your data source fields before integration, you may have unchecked some fields. If you ultimately want to check certain fields, you can go back to the mapping of your fields at any time to change it.

To do this, on the main page, click “Actions” for the feed and then, in the “Update fields” drop-down menu.

Re-importing a feed if you have changed your data source

If you have modified a field in your data source (in a .csv or .xlsx file), you must re-import your source so that it can be updated in the DataHub. 

To do this, on the main page, click “Actions” for the feed and then, in the “Update source” drop-down menu.

This will bring you to your data source import page, where you can re-import your URL or .csv/.xlsx file.

The steps are the same as when importing your feeds for the first time. 

For more information about importing feeds and the status of your feeds, refer to all our articles about importing feeds.